Whistleblowing: your voice counts
Welcome to the section dedicated to reporting in compliance with Legislative Decree 24/2023, implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937, also known as the whistleblowing directive.
WHISTLEBLOWING Cementerie Aldo Barbetti S.p.A.
In line with the purposes of legislation, aimed at uncovering various types of illegal activities in order to prevent and combat them, Cementerie Aldo Barbetti S.p.A. (Hereinafter “CAB”), has adopted a reporting tool that meets the requirements of Legislative Decree 24/2023.
Reporting can be made on line by following this link that requests direct contact with the person responsible for handling the report.
CAB, regardless of the reporting channel used, the confidentiality of the Reporter, the person involved, and any person mentioned in the Report, as well as the content of the report itself, is guaranteed; subject to legal obligations and the protection of the rights of the Company or persons falsely or maliciously accused.
With reference to the content of the report and its admissibility, please carefully read in advance the instructions provided in the specific procedure viewable in this area dedicated to reports.
The report must refer exclusively to non-compliance with laws or internal procedures. Reports that concern complaints, personal requests, or, more generally, irrelevant circumstances will not be considered admissible.
By way of simple example, but not exclusively:
- not included – disputes, claims, or requests related to a personal interest that pertain exclusively to one’s individual employment relationship or to one’s employment relationship with hierarchically superior figures are not included among the violations that can be the subject of a report.
- not admissible – anonymous reports and reports with generic content that do not allow the understanding of the facts, and where the data that constitute the essential elements of the reports are missing, such as, by way of example: (i) the time and place in which the fact reported occurred; (ii) there is no description of the facts reported, which contains details of the circumstantial evidence and, if present, also the manner in which the reporter became aware of the facts; (iii) the personal details or other elements that allow the identification of the subject to whom the reported facts are attributed.
Reports must be made in good faith, detailed, and based on precise and consistent factual elements. Anyone who knowingly or through gross negligence makes reports that are subsequently found to be unfounded may be subject to disciplinary sanctions. In this regard, in the case of unfounded reports made in bad faith or for the sole purpose of harming the reported party or other parties, the reporter shall be liable for civil and disciplinary liability, for which the Company reserves the right to take action to defend its interests and protect the injured parties.
The identification of the reporter is a necessary condition for the correct application of Legislative Decree 24/2023, aimed at protecting the identity and therefore the privacy of the interested party. In this regard, we remind you that, before making the report, your identification will be necessary in order to expedite and facilitate the internal investigation process.
The processing of Personal Data is carried out in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, with particular reference to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (“GDPR”) and Legislative Decree 24/2023.
The privacy policy related to the processing carried out is available at this link.
In line with the purposes of legislation, aimed at uncovering various types of illegal activities in order to prevent and combat them, S.T.B. S.r.l. (Hereinafter “STB”), has adopted a reporting tool that meets the requirements of Legislative Decree 24/2023.
Reporting can be made on line by following this link that requests direct contact with the person responsible for handling the report.
STB, regardless of the reporting channel used, the confidentiality of the Reporter, the person involved, and any person mentioned in the Report, as well as the content of the report itself, is guaranteed; subject to legal obligations and the protection of the rights of the Company or persons falsely and/or maliciously accused.
With reference to the content of the report and its admissibility, please carefully read in advance the instructions provided in the specific procedure viewable in this area dedicated to reports.
The report must refer exclusively to non-compliance with laws or internal procedures. Reports that concern complaints, personal requests, or, more generally, irrelevant circumstances will not be considered admissible.
By way of simple example, but not exclusively:
- not included – disputes, claims, or requests related to a personal interest that pertain exclusively to one’s individual employment relationship or to one’s employment relationship with hierarchically superior figures are not included among the violations that can be the subject of a report.
- not admissible – anonymous reports and reports with generic content that do not allow the understanding of the facts, and where the data that constitute the essential elements of the reports are missing, such as, by way of example: (i) the time and place in which the fact reported occurred; (ii) there is no description of the facts reported, which contains details of the circumstantial evidence and, if present, also the manner in which the reporter became aware of the facts; (iii) the personal details or other elements that allow the identification of the subject to whom the reported facts are attributed.
Reports must be made in good faith, detailed, and based on precise and consistent factual elements. Anyone who knowingly or through gross negligence makes reports that are subsequently found to be unfounded may be subject to disciplinary sanctions. In this regard, in the case of unfounded reports made in bad faith or for the sole purpose of harming the reported party or other parties, the reporter shall be liable for civil and disciplinary liability, for which the Company reserves the right to take action to defend its interests and protect the injured parties.
The identification of the reporter is a necessary condition for the correct application of Legislative Decree 24/2023, aimed at protecting the identity and therefore the privacy of the interested party. In this regard, we remind you that, before making the report, your identification will be necessary in order to expedite and facilitate the internal investigation process.
The processing of Personal Data is carried out in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, with particular reference to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (“GDPR”) and Legislative Decree 24/2023.
The privacy policy related to the processing carried out is available at this link.