Corporate Governance

Board of Directors and Board of Auditors

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Our system of Governance

The traditional governance model at Cementerie Aldo Barbetti S.p.A. is the cornerstone of our Group’s efficient management, providing robust oversight of business operations and ensuring that we consistently deliver value to our shareholders while acting in the best interests of all stakeholders.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, as appointed by the Annual General Meeting held on June 27, 2023, will serve until the meeting convened to approve the financial statements for the year ending on December 31, 2025.

Giovanni Barbetti

President, BOD

Francesco Barbetti

Managing Director

Maria Antonella Barbetti


Emma Barbetti


Andrea Barbetti


Pio Barbetti


Francesco Taccetti


Board of Auditors

The current Board of Auditors was elected by the Annual General Meeting held on June 28, 2022, and will serve until the meeting convened to approve the financial statements for the year ending on December 31, 2024.

The members of the Board of Auditors are:

Alessandro Nova

President, BOA

Francesco Rocchi

Standing Auditor

Alfredo Gallina

Standing Auditor

Antonio Monacelli

Deputy Auditor

Marco Ercolanoni

Deputy Auditor

2023 Statements

Transparency and reporting – building trust among our stakeholders.
Download the PDF for further information.